Sunday, May 4, 2014

2007B Poem “Here” (Philip Larkin)

     Phillip Larkin describes different places in "Here". Each place described has its own meaning and importance. Imagery is a key element in describing Larkin's tone towards the places he is writing about.
     In the first stanza, the poet's tone is curiosity. This is because the poet is not staying in one place. The Poet is traveling because he wants to discover new places. "Swerving east, from rich industrial shadows
And traffic all night north; swerving through fields." This indirect characterization shows that the poet is interested in traveling and discovery.
     The tone of the poet is also melancholy. An example is in the fourth stanza. "Loneliness clarifies. Here silence stands Like heat." This is an example of a metaphor and it shows that the poet's attitude is sadness because he is alone with nothing in sight.
     The poet is discovering new places and has a new attitude for each place visited. This describes the type of person he is and how he acts depending on his location.

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