Thursday, September 26, 2013

Character Study (III)

It has been almost three years since that mission went wrong. I am no longer with the service and live on my own. I stop every morning at the station to grab a small bite to eat. One day was very peculiar though. There were four people eating there and I have never seen them their before. There was a warrior, a London Spy, a Scholar, and a Sage. They looked like very serious people but seemed to be having a lot of fun as well. They asked me to come and sit with them so I said to myself why not, It can't hurt me.
I grew on these people very quickly and we decided to leave. Before we got out of the station there were three men who came inside and there names are Hingle Mcringleberry, Quatro Quatro, and Sequester Migriclle M.D. They looked like they could be of use so we asked them to tag along with us and we left the station.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Character Study (II)

"I have eyes on target, permission to engage?"
"Permission granted."
"Copy that, engaging."
Boom! An explosion went off sending me flying off the rig and I lost conscientiousness. I woke up three hours later miles down the river and was wondering what went wrong. My radio is down and I have no other way to contact my team. I assume that they are dead from the explosion. I set up a small camp got ready to move at first day light. The only way I think we were found is that somebody on the inside sold us out. I began to walk through the dense forest and I hear a rustle in the trees....

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Canterbury Tales (I)

Chaucer- unknown birth date - Married - Son
     Finished 24/120 Tales
Writing for the cominors
Lived with different types of people and worked for a mercahant/ clerk
     Allowed him to read papers about people and how they lived
About people
English writing and language

Character Study (I)

My fictional character is a Navy Seal. He has all of the skills needed to survive in any situation. He is carrying his normal equipment and is ready.


So I tried setting up Netvibes and it was a fail. I created my account and then I couldn't figure out how to do anything else. I played with it for about 15 minutes and got no where.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Vocabulary #6

Obsequious- servilely compliant or deferential

Beatitude- Supreme blessedness; exalted happiness

Bete noire- A person or thing that one particularly dislikes or dreads 

Bode- To be an omen of; portend

Dank- Unpleasantly moist or humid; damp and, often, chilly

Ecumenical- Pertaining to the whole Christian church 

Fervid- heated or vehement in spirit

Fetid- Having an offensive odor; stinking

Gargantuan- Gigantic 

Heyday- The stage or period of greatest vigor, strength, success, etc.; prime

Incubus- An imaginary demon or evil spirit supposed to descend upon sleeping persons

Infrastructure- The basic, underlying framework or features of a system or organization.  
Inveigle- To entice, lure

Kudos- Honor; glory

Lagniappe- A tip

Prolix- Long and wordy

Protege- A person under the patronage, protection

Prototype- The original model

Sycophant- A self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite

Tautology- Needless repetition of an idea

Truckle- To submit or yield obsequiously or tamely

Accolade- Any award, honor, or laudatory notice

Acerbity- Harshness or severity, as of temper or expression

Attrition- A reduction or decrease in numbers 

Bromide- A platitude or trite saying  

Chauvinist- A person who is aggressively and blindly patriotic 


Expound- Explain or interpret 

Factionalism- Practice or method uniting into an organization

Immaculate- Free from spot or stain

Imprecation- The act of imprecating; cursing


Mercurial- changeable

Palliate- To relieve or lessen without curing 

Protocol- Procedure 

Resplendent- Shining brilliantly

Stigmatize- To set some mark of disgrace or infamy upon

Sub rosa- Secretly 

Vainglory- Excessive pride over ones achievements

VestigeA mark, trace, or visible evidence of something that is no longer present or in existence

Volition- The act of willing

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What a Character

A fictional character that has inspired me is Brian from Hatchet. What made him inspirational to me when I was younger was that he never gave up when he was at his worst. He kept on pushing. Direct Characterization helped me get this idea because his actions showed me that he has will and strength. Allusion is another and that is because it was the only thing he had and it made me think that it will be used for something important and it was because that is how he discovered he could make a fire.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Declaration of Learning Independence


I'm not sure of what I want to do for sure but I have something in mind.
I plan to go to Fresno State on the first day of college next year in August 2014. I think that I can make this happen because I know I have what it takes to get there and accomplish my goal. My parents will help me get there and I will be responsible for doing everything I am responsible to do. It will take a lot of work and a lot of time in order to get to Fresno. It's going to be a long but a fun journey. 

Vocabulary #5

Obsequious- servilely compliant or deferential
People are by turns obsequious, angry, and disingenuous.

Beatitude- Supreme blessedness; exalted happiness
Towns have their own beatitude; they are not unfriendly.

Bete noire- A person or thing that one particularly dislikes or dreads 
He is bete noire towards him for what he had done in his past.
Bode- To be an omen of; portend

The news bodes evil days for him.

Dank- Unpleasantly moist or humid; damp and, often, chilly
It is a cramped, dank apartment.

Ecumenical- Pertaining to the whole Christian church
The ecumenical council decreed woman no longer had to wear hats in church.

Fervid- heated or vehement in spirit

The web rewards, with links and traffic, fervid expressions of ideological news.

Fetid- Having an offensive odor; stinking

There are trotters with tripe-honeycombed, fetid, strictly for the adventurous.
Gargantuan- Gigantic 

It is a vast, colossal, gargantuan improvement over messing around with pouring batches of hot liquid into a blender.

Heyday- The stage or period of greatest vigor, strength, success, etc.; prime

The heyday of the vaudeville stars.

Incubus- An imaginary demon or evil spirit supposed to descend upon sleeping persons
It shall be one of my cherished objects to remove this incubus of our prosperity.

Infrastructure- The basic, underlying framework or features of a system or organization.  
The tripod infrastructure is why there are so many grottoes and light caves.
Inveigle- To entice, lure
to inveigle a person into playing bridge. 
Kudos- Honor; glory

His inventive use of a tablecloth earns him costume kudos and extra treats.
Lagniappe- A tip
the lagniappe helped bring down the smugglers.

Prolix- Long and wordy
Some lectures are prolix.
Protege- A person under the patronage, protection

The President is always under protege.
Prototype- The original model

Prototypes are worth the most to collectors.

Sycophant- A self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite

But history will likely remember him as the ultimate sycophant, the loyal sidekick.
Tautology- Needless repetition of an idea
 It's a tautology designed to evade self-incrimination.
Truckle- To submit or yield obsequiously or tamely
Don't truckle to unreasonable demands.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Literature Analysis #1

1. The plot of the exposition is that Siddhartha decides to give up everything he has to find peace. The incident incident is when he does not think he is happy and can do better if he is alone.

2. The theme of Siddhartha is that he is lost and does not know which path to go. In order to discover this he must go on a journey that he has never been on before.

3. Hermann Hesse's tone is hope. It is hope because in the book Siddhartha is constantly searching for something he does not know when he will find. Another example is when he goes looking for his son. He is hoping to find him because he is his son but knows that he is gone.

4. (Literary Elements/Techniques)
   1.An example of Indirect Characterization is one page 6. ("But he, Siddhartha, did not delight himself, he was no pleasure to himself.") This is telling me that he is lost and does not like who he is and may want to change.
   2. Another example of Indirect Characterization is on page 33. ("When Siddhartha left the grove, in which the Buddha, the Perfect One, remained, in which Govinda remained, then he felt that the life he had lived until that time also remained behind him in the grove, separate from him.") This is helping me understand that he is leaving everything he has behind him.
   3. An example of Direct Characterization is on page 98. ("I hate you; you are not my father, even if you were my mother's lover ten times over!") This helped me understand that there is nothing Siddhartha can do to make his son like him because he is enraged with him for not being there.
   4. An example of Conflict is on page 99. ("Don't you see that he does not want to be pursued?") This is conflict because Siddhartha wants to find his son but his son does not want him to find him. 
   5. An example of an Antagonist is on page 66. ("But above all, he felt disgust for himself.") This antagonist is Siddhartha because he was a nice man in the beginning and is now turned into something he does not want to be.
   6. An example of Resolution is on page 90. ("I can see it," She said, "I see it. I too shall find peace.") This helped me understand that Siddhartha has reached his goal and found what he sought for in the exposition of the book. 
   7. An example of an Allusion is when Siddhartha meets Govinda again and depart without a proper goodbye. This is an allusion because they are good friends and it leads me to think that they will meet again later in the story.
   8.  An example of a Symbolism is the river. Every time Siddhartha gets lost he finds his way back to the river. In the end he ends up staying at the river. This is a symbol of hope and peace because it has helped Siddhartha find his peace that he searched for.
   9. An example of a Protagonist is Vasudeva. This is because he takes Siddhartha in and shows him his ways of peace without him knowing it.
   10. Hermann Hesse's Diction and Tone helped me understand the story more because he wanted me to feel sorry for Siddhartha but wish him hope at the same time and I thought his diction did a great job in changing my opinion of Siddhartha.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

All Of The Above

I graded my AP exam I took again and I though I did alright for it being my first time taking an AP exam. I thought that most of the questions were hard because of the way they were worded. Some I thought were easy. From taking this I learned that I need to work on my Poems more because that is wear I did the worst in.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Vocabulary #4

Accolade- Any award, honor, or laudatory notice
The play received accolades from the press.

Acerbity- Harshness or severity, as of temper or expression
It's a strange experience to read a critic best known for extreme acerbity writing about a subject he loves.

Attrition- A reduction or decrease in numbers 

Our club has had a high rate of attrition because so many members have moved away.
Bromide- A platitude or trite saying  

We continually hear that education is the bromide that will solve everything.

Chauvinist- A person who is aggressively and blindly patriotic 

He s very chauvinist so make sure you say America is the best.
He is a chronic liar.

Expound- Explain or interpret 

Maybe I'll expound on those at some point in the near future.

Factionalism- Practice or method uniting into an organization

A faction in favor of big business is good.
Immaculate- Free from spot or stain

When you buy a nice material make sure it is immaculate.
Imprecation- The act of imprecating; cursing

Then came an imprecation, and a match was struck and the study was flooded with yellow light.


Be Careful because the journey is an ineluctable one.
Mercurial- changeable

She's very mercurial and emotes before thinking, while I'm the opposite.
Palliate- To relieve or lessen without curing 
The primary goal is to help the patient and cure or palliate the disease.

Protocol- Procedure 

The secret service is must follow a certain protocol if something bad happens.

Resplendent- Shining brilliantly

Troops resplendent in white uniforms; resplendent virtues.

Stigmatize- To set some mark of disgrace or infamy upon

The crime of the father stigmatized the whole family.
Sub rosa- Secretly 
Do no be fooled by his sub rosa ways.

Vainglory- Excessive pride over ones achievements 

He has a right to vainglory because he is very good at what he does.

VestigeA mark, trace, or visible evidence of something that is no longer present or in existence

A few columns were the last vestiges of a Greek temple.

Volition- The act of willing, choosing, or resolving; exercise of willing
She left of her own volition.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Beowulf Essay

     Beowulf and the modern hero share similarities but they also share differences because of their time period. Spiderman is considered to be a modern hero because he does good for the people. Beowulf is considered to be a hero for his time period because he solves people's problems that they can't handle.
     Beowulf is consider to be one of the best heros of his time. This is because no one can live up to his standards. An example is that Beowulf has defeated Grendel, Grendel's mother, and the dragon. This is why Beowulf is a hero of his time because all of these monsters could not be killed by just any human. They had to be killed by a man of great strength and experience. Spiderman is a hero and nobody can live up to his standards because nobody else has his powers. Spiderman has special powers and can use a web and no one else can.
     Beowulf is a hero of his time but he is very cocky. This can be his downfall because he thinks he can do anything he wants to. He has a right to because this is how heros are in his time. An example of indirect characterization is when Beowulf is going to fight Grendel. He take off all of his armor and weapons. This shows that he is cocky because he doesn't think he needs anything but his hands to defeat a powerful enemy. Spiderman is the complete opposite. He can choose to be cocky but doesn't because he has pride and honor.
     Beowulf is a symbol of strength. This is because he uses his hands to fight all of his battles. He could try to use another weapon but decides to use hands because he knows that he is strong. Spiderman is a symbol of hope. This is because the people were scared and once spider man came they felt more safe knowing that he was their protecting them.
     Beowulf and Spiderman are both heros in their own time period. This is because they both do things that nobody else can. However, Beowulf and the modern hero are similar and different. This is because of the way they act and do things. They also symbolize something more than just a hero. They symbolize a person of great importance.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Vocabulary #3

Apostate- A person who forsakes his religion, cause, party, etc. (Noun)
In the eyes of the state, this made him the apostate , a member of the unprotected infidel community.

Effusive- Unduly demonstrative; lacking reserve Impasse (Adjective) 
He is known for his effusive greetings.
Astate of intense happiness and self-confidence (Noun)
She was flooded with euphoria as she went to the podium to receive her Student Research Award.
Lugubrious- Mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially in an affected, exaggerated, or unrelieved manner (Adjective) 
Nor does he succeed in making plausible this lugubrious  soul-search of his town.

Bravado- Display of courage (Noun)
War is far more a question of intelligence than bravado.
Consensus- Majority of opinion (Noun)
The consensus of the group was that they should meet twice a month.
Dichotomy- Dvision into two parts (Noun)
There is a false dichotomy  between art and science.

Constrict- Cause to contract or shrink (Verb)
Preferably something that uncovers the arms and doesn't constrict  the body.
Gothic- Noting or pertaining to a style of architecture Punctilio (Adjective)
The city is famous for its rich medieval heritage of brick Gothic.
Metamorphosis- A profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life history of an organism (Noun)
Tracy is equally distressed by the alarming metamorphosis of her childhood.
Raconteur- A person who is skilled in relating stories and anecdotes interestingly (Noun)
He was an educator by trade, and long experienced, a wonderful guy and the raconteur of stories.
Sine qua non- An indispensable condition, element, or factor; something essential (Noun)
Her presence was the sine qua non of every social event.

Quixotic- Impulsive and often rashly unpredictable (Adjective)
Going to war against an ideology is quixotic.
Vendetta- Any prolonged and bitter feud, rivalry (Noun)
His right fielder has accused umpires of having a vendetta against him.
Non sequitur-A conclusion that does not follow from the premises (Noun)
That just sounds like a complete non sequitur.

Mystique- A framework of doctrines, ideas (Noun)
Now his mystique  is dissipated and his promise shattered.
Quagmire- Asituation from which extrication is very difficult (Noun)
Let us hear the truth from the brains that got us into this quagmire.

Parlous-Dangerous (Adjective) 
But government finances remained in a parlous state.