Sunday, September 8, 2013

Beowulf Essay

     Beowulf and the modern hero share similarities but they also share differences because of their time period. Spiderman is considered to be a modern hero because he does good for the people. Beowulf is considered to be a hero for his time period because he solves people's problems that they can't handle.
     Beowulf is consider to be one of the best heros of his time. This is because no one can live up to his standards. An example is that Beowulf has defeated Grendel, Grendel's mother, and the dragon. This is why Beowulf is a hero of his time because all of these monsters could not be killed by just any human. They had to be killed by a man of great strength and experience. Spiderman is a hero and nobody can live up to his standards because nobody else has his powers. Spiderman has special powers and can use a web and no one else can.
     Beowulf is a hero of his time but he is very cocky. This can be his downfall because he thinks he can do anything he wants to. He has a right to because this is how heros are in his time. An example of indirect characterization is when Beowulf is going to fight Grendel. He take off all of his armor and weapons. This shows that he is cocky because he doesn't think he needs anything but his hands to defeat a powerful enemy. Spiderman is the complete opposite. He can choose to be cocky but doesn't because he has pride and honor.
     Beowulf is a symbol of strength. This is because he uses his hands to fight all of his battles. He could try to use another weapon but decides to use hands because he knows that he is strong. Spiderman is a symbol of hope. This is because the people were scared and once spider man came they felt more safe knowing that he was their protecting them.
     Beowulf and Spiderman are both heros in their own time period. This is because they both do things that nobody else can. However, Beowulf and the modern hero are similar and different. This is because of the way they act and do things. They also symbolize something more than just a hero. They symbolize a person of great importance.


  1. I liked what you said about Beowulf being the best symbol of a hero because no one else can compare to him as well as the point you made about his possible downfall being his overconfidence. There are just a few spelling mistakes that need fixing but everything else is good!

  2. Serena is right. There are a few spelling errors, but nothing too huge. I'd challenge you to add literary techniques like "allusions" or "indirect characterizations" into your essay's thesis and elaborate more on that, but your current essay shows great thought-process. Well done.
