Sunday, November 3, 2013

Hamlet Essay

     Hamlet is a unique character and knows how to control himself in different situations. However, Hamlet's way of speaking constitutes actions in itself. Hamlet's use of words impacts the story and himself tremendously because his words mean so much and we are only seeing what he wants us to know.
     Hamlet's speaking encounters the characters in the play the same. For example, when Hamlet is speaking with his uncle and mother in the First Act his use of words make everything seem well and the characters know that it is because of his recent loss. As the play progresses Hamlet's use of words change and it causes the characters to believe he has gone insane and they do not know the cause of it. Hamlet has used his speaking to the best of his ability and has gotten inside everyone's head.
     The plot in the play is the same throughout the play. Once Hamlet discovers his Uncle has killed his Father his goal is to kill his Uncle and avenge his fathers death. The use of words in Hamlet's soliloquies help the reader understand Hamlet's goal and plot more. Hamlet's encounters with Horatio also show how the plot is the same because Hamlet trust Horatio and asks him to do small tasks for him like watching his Uncle's reactions during the play.
     Self Overhearing is used a lot by Hamlet and I do this as well. The difference between the way I use it and Hamlet uses it is huge. This is because Hamlet talks about a lot of negative things such as killing his Uncle. Hamlet does nothing about this and just continues to go on and on about his plan. When I am self overhearing I am not negative I am positive. An example is when I tell myself I am going to go and help out with my friends baseball team but don't go because I have school work or something else to do.
     Hamlet is a complex character and the use of his speaking change the play constantly. He can be calm on minute and then be like a completely different person the next minute. This is all part of his plan to destroy his Uncle for his crime.

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