Thursday, January 16, 2014

Lit Terms Remix 1-5

1. circumlocution-Circumlocution is a form of writing where the writer uses exaggeratedly long and complex sentences in order to convey a meaning that could have otherwise been conveyed through a shorter, much simpler sentence

2. classicism-a high regard for a classical period
3. cliche- Cliche refers to an expression that has been overused to the extent that it loses its original meaning or novelty
  • in the nick of time – to happen just in time
  • only time will tell – to become clear over time

4. climax- The highest point

5. colloquialism
“Busy old fool, unruly Sun,
Why dost thou thus,
Through windows, and through curtains, call on us?
Must to thy motions lovers’ seasons run?
Saucy pedantic wretch,”
The poet addresses the sun in an informal and colloquial way as if it were a real human being. He asks the sun in a rude manner that why did he appear and spoil the good tome he was having with his beloved. Not finishing here, he commands the “saucy pedantic sun” to go away.

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